Final Fantasy X is a game developed by Square Enix. You can visit the Steam page here. This is one of my all time favorite games. I decided to have a full Let's Play with this series.

In this part, I am making my way to Luca

In this video, I rescue Yuna, play some Blitzball (story requirement), and Auron joins the team.

In this video, I make my way through the Mi'ihen Highroad and Mushroom Rock Road

In this part, we get through Operation Mi'ihen and make our way to the Djose Temple.

In this part, I get through the Djose Temple, I get my last party member, and I make my way to Guadosalam.

In this part, we make our way through the thunder plains.

In this video, I make my way through Macalania Woods!

In this part, I fight Seymour and make my way to Bikanel Island

In this very long part, I get through Bikanel and make my way to Zanarkand Ruins.

In this video, I get to the point in the story where we have one last chance to work on side missions.
Gameplay starts at 2:50
I am playing one of my most favorite games of all time! Final Fantasy X HD Remaster is available on Steam now!