Donating to the site will help create new content quickly and offer some benefits to the general audience.  This site has no advertisements due to the clean nature of the website.  As a user, I can understand the frustration of online advertisements.  Therefore, to prevent the use of the advertisements, donations are the best alternative.

You have two options when donating.  Setting up a Patreon subscription and donating directly through the site.  Patreon is the recommended choice, but it is a recurring subscription.  There are very nice benefits to subscribing.

  • Access to the community through the Discord application
  • The ability to have your code analyzed for issues/recommendations
  • The ability to download tutorials in a quality of your choice for offline viewing even before the tutorial is on YouTube
  • Access to unreleased tutorials
  • Free access to paid tutorials before they are on YouTube
  • And more

Donating through the website is a one-time donation.  Depending on how much you donate, you will be eligible for the equivalent Patreon pledge at that tier.  However, it will only be a one-time benefit, unless you donate again or set up a subscription.

If you have any suggestions, or donate an amount and have an idea for what benefits you would like, please use the Contact link at the top of the page.

Donate through the website